Can It Affect Her Relationship With God?
Some researchers believed that the relationship between daughters and fathers can affect the relationship between her and God (Moore, 2010, p.16). In this study, there were 35 persons who agreed with this view while there were 28 who were in opposition. There were 34 daughters who were not quite sure and said that the relationship between a daughter and God may be affected by paternal absenteeism. Four persons said that they did not know while there was one illegible response. The relationship that a daughter shares with her Heavenly Father is a very important one. Dr Myles Munroe (2001, p. 200) said that there is a sense in which children depend on their fathers to show them who God is. Based on the fact that the majority of daughters said either yes or maybe in response to this question, this is a problem which should be noted and which should be addressed amongst daughters whose fathers are absent from their lives.