Welcome to Daddies in the Gap

In our world, father absence has become an increasingly pervasive problem. In 2002, Janet Brown, professor at the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica, pointed to statistics which revealed that 33 - 49 per cent of Caribbean homes were being led by females. There has been much research to show how the absence or presence of fathers impacts on the lives of their sons. However research has shown that fathers also have the ability to change their daughters' lives (Meeker, 2006, p. 28). On this website, you will find information about the effects of father absence (paternal absenteeism) on daughters. The researcher sought to determine whether the presence of a father figure can help, in one way or other, to alleviate the effects of this social ill on the development of females whose fathers may have been absent from their lives.


I trust that as you browse, you would be enlightened by the findings of my research and that you would discover the potential impact that surrogate fathers (father figures) can have on the development of daughters.


Just remember

If you or anyone you know has suffered from the effects of father absence, know that there is hope for healing.


Website launched

06/02/2012 04:17
Perhaps you, or someone you know, has lived through father absence. Fathers play a significant role in their daughter's lives. Let's take this journey together as we examine the effects of father absence on daughters and the possible benefits of surrogate fatherhood to the process of healing.